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2020 Tip nobel odullu adami koyduk.
Al bu da 2019 Tip Nobel odulunu kazanan William Kaelin'in sizin gibi asi karsitlarina yonelik cevabi:
Dr. Kaelin:
Well unfortunately I think the anti-vaxxer movement is another symptom of what I was just referring to earlier where unfortunately, a number of people have grown to disregard true expertise and credentials and are too prone to perhaps get their medical advice if I can call it that, from less trustworthy sources and sometimes involving social medias, so I don't know all of the solutions to this problem. I think it would help to start our political leaders modeled good behavior and science driven decision making, I think. Unfortunately, we don't always get that and I think that is harming us tremendously. But I think we all have a stake in this trying to educate the public. I had, perhaps naively hoped that the coronavirus pandemic would remind people why we use vaccines when they see the suffering that this disease that was caused, and perhaps I shouldn't give up on that wish quite yet but that's, that's my hope that people will be reminded, and perhaps we will painfully see that some of the states that were more science driven and more aggressive were able to perhaps flatten the curve a little bit more effectively than others. There are other things coming down the pike, as you know, in addition to vaccines that maybe will be slightly less contentious for those folks that use some of the neutralizing antibodies that are being tested now that maybe could serve at least as a stopgap until we get to definitive vaccines.
Yalniz katilmadigim bir nokta var. Sizin gibileri egitmek lazim diyor. Ben egitilemez derecede oldugunuza kanaat getirdim.
Yukaridaki linkte gordugunuz adamda James Allison. 2018 Tip Nobelini Tasuku Honjo ile kazandilar “Bağışıklığın negatif düzenlemesinin baskılanmasıyla kanser tedavisi konusundaki keşifleri” ile aldi bu odulu ve kanser tedavisinde cigir acmasi bekleniyor calismalarinin. Yukaridaki linkte Anderson Kanser Merkezi'nde yapilan ilk Covid asisini James Allison olurken goruyorsunuz.
Peki Tasuko Honjo ne yapiyor derseniz. O da sunlari demis:
TH: Because there is still a limited number of vaccines, all I can say is that it's difficult to see how it will go. The Pfizer-made vaccine approved in the U.S. introduces to the body a miniscule amount of ribonucleic acid (RNA), which carries the virus's genetic information, encouraging the production of antibodies which can combat the virus. Vaccines until now have inserted deactivated viral pathogens into the body, so theoretically RNA vaccines are thought to have a lower risk of side effects.
Yani diyor ki teorik olarak mRNA asilarinin geleneksel asilara gore daha az yan etkisi olmasi dusunuluyor.
Ayrica ekliyor:
Vaccines are a type of societal protection, so if only half the population get it, the pathogen will continue spreading among the other half. If a significant proportion of people don't obtain immunity via these vaccines, then we as a society will not be able to reach a situation in which we can block infections.
Toplumun cogunlugunu asilayamazsaniz, toplum bagisikligi kazanilmaz, insanlar enfekte olmaya surekli devam eder diyor.
Anlasildi ama; siz boyle tek tek isim vererek utanmayacaksiniz. Az biraz gundemi takip edecek kadar algilari acik birisi olsaydiniz, 14 Eylul'de gectigimiz haftasonu yapilan Almanya secimlerinin Biontech asi dagitimi uzerindeki muhtemel etkileriyle ilgili 140 devlet baskani ve Nobel Odullu bilim adamindan gelen "Alman hukumetinin asi teknolojisine olan yatirimi dunyanin tamami icin devam etmeli" bildirgesini bilirdiniz. (link)
Bildirgenin altinda imzasi olan bilim adamlarindan bazilarini koyayim (sadece tip alaninda Nobel kazananlar bunlar, yoksa Nobel listesi daha uzun)
Francoise Barre-Sinoussi – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2008
J. Michael Bishop – Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1989
Jeffrey Connor Hall – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2017
Leland H. Hartwell – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2001
Jules A. Hoffmann – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2011)
Tasuku Honjo – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2018
Michael Houghton – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2020
Tim Hunt – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2001)
Louis J. Ignarro – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1998
Eric R. Kandel – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2000
Barry J. Marshall – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2005
Edvard Moser – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2014)
May-Britt Moser – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2014)
Sir Paul M. Nurse – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2001)
John O'Keefe – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2014
Stanley B. Prusiner – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1997)
Charles M. Rice – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2020)
Sir Richard J. Roberts – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1993)
Michael Rosbash – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2017)
Gregg L. Semenza – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2019)
J. Robin Warren – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2005)
Eric F. Wieschaus – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1995)
Artik rica ediyorum safsatalarinizi kendinize saklayin.
Onu geçiniz bu eski bilgidir, şuan şirketin kendisi dahi bulaşı önlemez ölmekten korur diyebiliyor ki İsrailde görüleceği üzere yoğun bakım hastalarının %95 i iki doz biontech olmuş!!!
Arkadas siz nasil bir yalancisiniz yahu??? Boyle alenen yalan soyledikce kimse hic bir dediginize inanmayacak sonunda
“Most people here are unvaccinated,” says Dr. Ilya Kagan, head of the coronavirus intensive care ward at Beilinson Hospital near Tel Aviv, standing at the bed of a man in his 50s who is sedated and on a ventilator.
The vast majority of both new infections and serious cases have been among those who are not vaccinated. According to the ministry, 493 of those in serious condition were unvaccinated, compared with 134 patients who were vaccinated with two doses, and 55 patients who received a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine.