It bandda fındık kadar bir yumru var bende. Sanırım sorun oradanda kaynaklanıyor. Biraz foam roller yapayım dedim. Dayanılacak gibi değil. Etim çürüyecek. Faydası da oldu ama bikaç dakika anca yapabildim.
I know when I get knee pain it's time to break out the foam roller. I rarely get sore knees but when I do it is always after I increase volume and intensity without adding extra stretching/foam roller. The crits started here a couple of weeks ago, plus I'm training for Tour of Bright, and sure enough this week I've had a sore right knee, I spent 30 minutes on the roller this morning and it was agony which tells me that things were way too tight. I have always managed to resolve the pain by using various self massage techniques, I should have started some preventative stretching and massage before my knee got sore but apparently I am a slow learner.